Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Slim - Causes and treatment-John Barban

Thinness is underweight than normal or a little too much. To find out if a person is thin base there are simple and easy is that by offering amounted to 100 cm length of the remaining amount is the correct weight for the right person and be measured in kilograms. For example, if someone length of 170 cm, the weight would be 170-100 = 70 kg, and the lack of it, for example, weight shall be thin. There are many factors that leads to a slimmer body are as follows:
John Barban Scam
Genetic factor
Poor and undernourished lead to weight loss, which may expose human life at risk
Many seniors have difficulty in the preparation of food and thus become vulnerable to losing weight.
Wrong food habits acquired since childhood.

Follow special diets to lose weight and keep it to a certain extent access to the thinness and then the inability to recover normal weight.
Membership of certain diseases ... such as:

1 - An overactive thyroid gland.

2 - Severe anemia.

3 - Some digestive diseases that prevent the absorption of digested food.

4 - Incidence of certain tumors.
Some mental illness - such as:
Severe depression, which causes loss of appetite`
Obsession that makes a patient does not feel hungry.
Anorexia nervosa
Bulimia nervosa
If confirmed, the integrity of the person slim organic diseases and physical comes to therapeutic role of nutrition and regular exercise to reach a normal weight.

How mining meal?
Must have meals on a balanced diet of protein, carbohydrates and types of health of fat such as monounsaturated fats, olive oil and canola oils, pistachios, almonds and walnuts; Ratio of the following will help you achieve your goal: 60% -70% carbohydrate 0.10% -15% protein and a small amount of fat.

It must be at least three varieties are made from whole grains rich in fiber and nutrients. Must contain each class more nutritious calories; For example you could add hard-boiled eggs to mashed potatoes, chicken, chopped into different varieties of soup and with eggs and cheese and add powdered milk to the soup and add milk to the mashed potatoes.

Is a fruit rich in vitamins and phytochemicals that will enhance your health? For example, instead of drinking soft drinks, sugary soda, you can enjoy a rich orange juice instead or other fruit juices that will help you get the calories you need it, in addition to a lot of vitamins that are not available in the soda. You can increase your consumption of calories by eating different types of fruit during the day.

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