Thursday, 27 February 2014

Carbohydrate foods:

There are also some snacks health’s, such as melted cheese or almond kernels, however, by the high proportion of fats also cause drowsiness, transformed into energy within the body, but less energy from carbohydrates and protein.

We cannot forget that high-fat foods give a feeling of bloat, which makes you feel the difficulty of movement when you exercise.
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Protein-rich foods:
Is a protein-rich food a two-edged weapon, although the protein vital source of energy and build muscle can also be a direct causes you to feel overwhelmed when excessive exercise.

This is because eating high protein - either through food or disks that are sold in pharmacies - before exercise directly, works to reduce the required percentage of carbohydrates in the body, which reduces the energy level.

Prohibited foods ingested before exercise

Beats you nutrition experts warning bell even avoid taking eating certain foods before exercise, because of the resulting disorder of the stomach next to reduce the level of energy in the body, which makes you feel tired quickly after performing any exercise, even if it was simple.
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Here are five foods experts warn of ingested immediately before exercise, with a simplified explanation of the scientific reason to avoid them.

Carbohydrate foods:
The pasta, potatoes and rice from carbohydrate-rich foods and to many, but nutrition experts advise taking it completely free of any additives or simply put tomato paste "sauce" on them.

In this, experts say feeding that many people like to eat pasta or Indian foods before performing aerobic exercise, but those cuisines become dangerous if you add Cream Sauce or spices warm to it, where he works on each increase upset stomach next to increase the number of heart Once to do any movement.

French fries:
Probably be eating potatoes of the things that gives you the energy needed to exercise, but that does not mean that fries before exercise directly.

Fried food is rich in fat, which slows down your movements until you get to the full feeling of apathy and the need for convenience, and therefore when you lose your desired exercise.

Fruits Uses-John Barban

Of the many benefits of blueberries, that one cup of it contains 80 calories and 4 grams of fiber, which makes you, feel full. It is also the foods that keeps your skin and make you aging.
Both dealt with the fruit cooked broccoli or without it, they are working to protect you from cancer, contrary to its vital role in the process of weight loss, as a handful of broccoli contain only 30 calories, as well as saturated fiber.
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Eat the fruit of one of the pear capable of extended body with 15% of the required fiber gained in one day! One study confirmed that women eat three fruits per day of pear, makes lower percentage of calories and therefore you lose excess weight, other than women who do not eat pears.
Finally, it remains for you to learn to peel pears are stored umbilical fibers when ingested, so I am careful not to peel.
Lentil is of primary sources for the acquisition of protein and fiber as half a cup of lentils contains 3.4 grams of starch, which is the health of carbohydrates, which works as mentioned before to burn body fat and strengthen the process of burning calories.
Banana fruits friendly food for dieters, because eating a banana, green and with an average size, it makes you feel full for a long time, it also enhances the metabolism, which contains 12.5 grams of starch.
Dark chocolate
Good news for fans of eating chocolate, which is that eating dark chocolate gives you a sense of satiety for a long time, and therefore will not to eat more food.
Orange fruit gives you a sense of satiety for a long time, it occupies the 38th position in the list of foods that gives you a sense of satiety due to the amount of fiber they contain, according to an Australian study, generally contain only 59 calories.
Potatoes are regarded as foods that contain a high percentage of carbohydrates; it gives you a sense of satiety for a long time gives him three times as much as a slice of white bread. The potato foods that occupies the first centers to give you a sense of satiety in, they outweigh the fruit of the orange stages, and also contain a proportion of starch works to burn fat with the utmost simplicity. But that does not mean to overdo the eating French fries, on the grounds that you would like to burn fat, you can eat boiled potatoes and fruit and only one suffice.
Goat cheese and feta cheese types that contain static acid help you burn fat and you feel full for a longer period.

A list of more foods that help you to lose weight

We offer you a list of simplified to more than a dozen varieties of food that works to burn body fat to help you on a journey weight loss, unlike the role of these foods is vital that works to build muscles of the body and activate memory and improve the level of vision and protect you from some incurable diseases.
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Black beans
Of the wonders of black beans to Cuba, one of which contains 15 grams of protein, and does not contain any percentage of fat as found in other sources of protein such as red meat.

The oat foods rich in fiber, which works naturally to give you a sense of satiety for a long time during the day, half a cup of oatmeal contains about 4.6 grams of starch which is one of carbohydrates that promote the health of the metabolism and fat burning.

Nothing calls for a sense of fear of fat intake, especially if they are healthy!
One of those foods must contains healthy fats, avocado fruits that contain oleic acid which is a
monounsaturated fat.
Hence, eating a quarter or half of avocado fruit makes you notice a gradual melting of abdominal fat, other than that avocados contain fiber and protein.

Varieties of food for perfect body

Struggling: Obesity
Oatmeal (without the addition of sweeteners or flavors Industrial)’
Supplements: boosts energy and reduces the level of cholesterol and maintains the balance of blood pressure levels.
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Struggling: heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer and obesity
And - eggs
Supplements: builds bones and burn fat
Turkey meat and other meat soft
Supplements: the adoption of the bone, and strengthen the body's immunity.
Struggling: obesity and other diseases of different
Peanut Butter
Supplements: enhance testosterone and the adoption of the bones and helps to burn fat and combats obesity and the loss of muscle and wrinkles and peripheral artery disease.

Olive oil
Supplements: reduce the level of cholesterol and strengthen the body's immunity
Struggling: obesity, cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure
Bread made from whole-grain breakfast cereals
Supplements: prevents fat storage in the body.
Struggling: obesity, cancer, high blood pressure and heart disease
Protein powder
Supplements: build muscle and burn fat
Struggling: Obesity
Different kinds of berries
Supplements: protects the heart and strengthens the view and improves balance and coordination among the members of the body and strengthens the short-term memory and inhibits food cravings
Struggling: heart disease, cancer and obesity

Finally, make sure you buy these products from reliable places that provide good varieties and always remember that persistence and perseverance play an important role in the success of this program and in the end you'll find two investigations desired goals with the passage of time without too much effort.

Varieties of food for the perfect body

Appropriate diet to maintain the appearance of the abdomen can be obtained by eating a dozen varieties nutritionally dubbed "food power allocated to the belly of the ideal." All you have to do is select a product appropriate diet and food-like:

 the almonds and other nuts, beans and other types of beans, spinach and other vegetables, dairy products, low-fat, oatmeal, eggs, turkey and other types of meat soft, peanut butter and oil olives, bread made from whole-grain breakfast cereals and other, and the different types of berries.
John Barban
And make sure you do this if you choose varieties carefully you get your body healthy protein and healthy fats and carbohydrates health not to skip any class through this program is ideal.

These varieties mentioned above contain the best sources of protein and fiber and the rest of the other ingredients and nutrients that help in the fight against fat. The fact that these items are very useful and you have a very effective help you get in the belly of an ideal and attractive body. You can set up a daily diet

based on those items. All you have to do is follow these simple rules:

Integrating two or three of these foods in your meals and choose varieties last snack between meals.

The two types of food items at every meal to get a combination of protein, carbohydrates and fats
Make sure to eat a small amount of protein in each snack.

Among the benefits of these food items:
Almonds and other types of nuts (to maintain the freshness of the skin)’

Supplements: builds muscle, reduces food cravings.
Beans and legumes

Supplements: builds muscle and helps burn fat and regulate digestion.

Spinach and other vegetables’

Supplements: neutralize free radicals, molecules that accelerate the aging process
Dairy products (milk-free or low-fat, yogurt and cheese)’

Supplements: help to maintain bone strength, and induce weight loss.

Exercise period: half a minute-John Barban

Exercise III: Bow
Exercise way: On your stomach and then a national bend the knees and ankles hold your hands. Push your hands and pull your legs, knees, even with the inclusion of an arc is formed with an abdominal only on the ground. Look up.
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Exercise benefits: reduce abdominal fat and relieves pressure on the spine because of the pressure on the nerves shoulder panels that reduce the circulation of blood. But when you are back to normal rush a larger amount of blood to those areas which increase the flexibility of the spinal cord and certainly raises vital.

Exercise period: half a minute
Exercise IV: Exercise way
Sit on the rear with individual feet and lifting the arms above the head. Then bend fully so that the head is placed between the knees with hands gripping feet.

Exercise duration: two minutes
Exercise benefits: reduce abdominal fat and removes gases from the intestines and unappetizing.
Exercise V: Abdominal lift

Way Exercise: This exercise consists in fact of two different movements.
The first movement: Stand with feet to keep a distance between the legs and bend your knees slightly. Bending of the central region and put your hands above the knees. Deep breathing while highlighting the abdomen and then output the air with suction inside the abdomen. Do not try to take the same last contrary to pull your belly also inside until it becomes hollow shape and for ten seconds.

The second movement: a class the same steps as in the previous exercise, but instead of keeping the abdominal pumping, siphoning off national abdomen and highlighted ten times without taking the same again. After finishing to the normal position and breathe normally.

Benefits of Exercise:
1 - Normal massage of the abdomen and works to tighten the abdominal area.

2 - Strengthens the heart and improves the process of pumping blood circulation and reduce the chances of exposure to heart attacks.

3 - Treats constipation and removes gases.

4 - Removes the abdominal fat and strengthens muscles.

5 - Improves the function of the thyroid glands and sexual.

Yoga exercises effective to get rid of belly fat

Is the accumulated fat between the folds of the internal organs of a human being (such as accumulated fat on the liver and abdomen) of the most dangerous fat at all? And work abdominal fat is completely different from the rest of the fat in the body. These fats receive large amounts of blood in addition to cortisol, which is also known as hormone or tensile stress.

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The rise and fall levels during the day, but when it is exposed to human constant tension, the level of cortisol continues to rise. When high levels of cortisol are deposited fat in the abdominal area where there are large amounts of cortisol receptors.

The following simple yoga exercises to help women get rid of this internal fat also reduces the risk of some chronic diseases.

The first exercise:
Method of exercise: Lie on your back and take a breath and then twelve left leg from the knee. The fingers together around the leg and the leg flexor leverage even touch your stomach. Lift up your head so that your nose touches your knee. The other leg must be kept straight. yourself. Go back to the original position and then deeply. Follow the same steps with the other leg.

Benefits of Exercise: These steps help to get rid of abdominal gas and reduce abdominal fat. It also increases the flexibility of the hips and knees.

Exercise period: half minutes for each leg

The second exercise:
Exercise way: Your forehead on the floor - and your hands under the shoulders. Lift your body up muscle strength back-to-back, with the lifting of the head to the top. Do not use your hands, but must remain on the ground or mounted on the back top of the hip.

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

What are the causes of food allergies in children?

Consultant pediatric palace and fellow of Pediatrics premature, saying: divided food allergies in children into two types:

Sensitivity immune "disease", a result of a defect two bodies, caused by the lack of acceptance of the body for food items because of a defect in the ability to digest or digest one of the main components, because the cells of the atopic patient secrete antibodies to certain foods and when they meet these antibodies with those foods reaction occurs causing the secretion of certain chemicals, which cause the symptoms of allergies,
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 for example sensitivity of bovine milk, and the reason for this is that the children have a deficiency in the enzyme digester to milk protein an enzyme lactose, and this type of allergy is the most common and serious.
Sensitivity immune Leather in a mostly caused by this type:

First, the sudden lack of acceptance of the body for a certain type of food that may be addressed by the child constantly but suddenly caused him to allergies.

Second: Do not accept a body known for certain types of foods, especially when consumed in abundance such as bananas, and this type of viewer sensitivity and treatment is temporary and easy.

The symptoms of food allergies and clear where they appear as follows: vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, rash causes intense itching, redness of the skin with itching, swelling of the lips, tongue, or mouth with the itchy feeling, the rift and abdominal pain or a sore throat and nasal congestion, increased these symptoms with the continuity of eating food that causes it.

Foods cause allergies are as follows: bovine milk, eggs, wheat, nuts and dairy products, soy milk, fish, crustaceans, marine, citrus, tomatoes, , strawberries, corn, and oats, and the role of the mother in the diagnosis should notice and monitor reactions to the child after eating food permanently and continuously.

What causes allergies?

Ask the reader: I suffer from allergies when eating certain foods, what are the causes of injury and what is the treatment? Answer, consultant of internal diseases, gastrointestinal tract, saying that allergies occur as a result of the response of the human immune system to certain foods certain, and most causes belonging to the existence of ready PCs in humans, where responsive cells of the body to external stimuli, making it secrete certain substances that cause sensitization occurs.
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The symptoms of allergies vary from the beginning of the change in color of the skin and the occurrence of itching down to a pain in the abdomen was up to the desire to vomiting with allergies in the chest, difficulty in breathing and shortness of occurrence of bronchitis.

May be the result of allergies contactless touch foods or taken as a result of those foods and vary from one person to another, and cannot see a person suffering an allergic reaction to specific foods only through prior experience.

Indicates the presence of some of the tests, which are conducted before taking these drugs, which are called sensitivity tests under the skin, but this only happens with conventional medicines as may affect allergy.

On the treatment confirms that prevention of allergies by avoiding foods that cause is the most important steps to ensure that no allergies, as well as in the case of incidence are given some antihistamines and in some cases your doctor may advise eating cortisone injections, and according to the degree of injury allergies.

First Aid at retention foods in the throat

Retention of food in the throat of things leads of death, so it has to be dealt with quickly and with caution, and shows us Advisor General Medicine and Internal Medicine Specialist, gastrointestinal tract and liver of things that bite deadly if it is not quickly, especially in infants, so parents know how to deal with them to protect their children from the risk of rapid death
John Barban
Provides us with some videos, which describes how to deal with that situation in the torus with different ages and with infant children and with adults

The steps include children and adult’s first question if he can breathe in the case of the inability to breathe must hold the child or adult from the stomach Central with your right hand and then try lifting your hand from that region, which put pressure on the food, even out of the hobby, and thus the person can breathe.

In the case of infants should be the heart of a child and then try to put pressure on the back with some strikes in the middle of the back, and then amended the child and the pressure on the respiratory system and lung and make sure that ETFs by hear the beats of his heart.

I suffer from chronic allergic how they can be treated?

Sent us by a sufferer says: Am Allergic non-infectious in all parts of my body, especially in the feet, which deprive me of sleep sometimes, but when I eat discs hypoallergenic go through, and I feel comfortable, but come back after three days of take me to those disks.
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I want to know what the reason for that? Is to take one tablet of every three days harmful? Knowing there is no rash or redness of the skin, but I feel itching.

Answer this question, a professor of dermatologists and infertility, said:
Sensitive skin has many causes, which can be non-specific information, or in many cases, is the most important of those reasons:

Sensitivity of some food additives such as preservatives certain types of colorful candy
Sensitivity of some medicines
Insect bites are not required to be visible insects that sometimes insects cannot be seen only microscopic insects like dirt.

Knowing that about 40% to 50% of cases of allergies be due to psychological reasons
In most cases, especially in the case of non-identifying the root cause of these allergies, the treatment by eating antihistamines on a regular basis and not just when you need it for a specific period prescribed by your doctor depending on the severity of the condition.

22. First Aid at retention foods

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

John Barban Review-Basic rules for diet fun

Complex not only contains fiber helps in enhancing your sense of satiety for a long period of time, but also contains vitamins and minerals your body needs such as Vitamin B6 and E and iron.

Does not mean the diet that starvation day waiting for a meal following, you can simply to meals snacks "Snack" between meals daily, one between breakfast and lunch, and the second between lunch and dinner, provided they do not exceed 150 calories and contains an abundant amount of fiber.
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Limit the time a particular day is devoted to pamper yourself, break through the base and eat a small piece of foods dear to your heart, like a piece of chocolate or crisps, taking into account not exceed food intake for 50 calories and reduce it gradually, That way saturation you want to eat that instead yourself to him, which may make you in large quantities as soon.

Enjoy a meal outside the home:
A diet does not mean to abandon your Go to your favorite restaurants, but the idea is in the dish presented to you and the quantity allowed, where you have to follow a couple of things I either participatory girlfriend in the dish affordable and also when you eat sweets, and the second can ask the waiter to provide only half the amount of the dish with the other half you take home to eat later.

And do not forget to replace some items side provided, instead of fries ask vegetables steamed or salad is large in size, and skip the soft drinks or sweetened cups of water and juices, sugar-free, and in general, make sure to not exceed the calories in drinks 100 calories.

Preferred choice of main dishes based on grilled meat, to be demilitarized fat and skin, in the case of a request dish Pasta ask the waiter not to put a large amount of sauce, because it is likely to be high in calories.
Not to eat the bread that usually puts the waiter served before the main with hors d'oeuvres, and prefers to ask the waiter not to put bread basket so as not too partly to satisfy your hunger that comes to food required.

Basic rules for diet fun-John Barban

The word "forbidden eating this or that" the more words you get angry dieters food, and may be a major cause of stubbornness and eating whatever is forbidden in large quantities to be considered "forbidden desirable", or perhaps make them resent attendance diet program accurately.

Thus, the strict diet can often backfire, and does not help to lose weight as required, so we give you five basic rules for diet enjoyable and effective.
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Breakfast is indispensable:
Of the biggest mistakes made by those following the diet, is to ignore the breakfast thinking that it provides calories is indispensable, but it's not true at all breakfast from more means to help stimulate the digestive process in a smooth and thus increase the rates of burning over the Today.

Keeping in mind that the meal contains a protein, and a little sugar and a lot of fiber, which work on the sense of satiety for a long period of the day, it is the most suitable dishes appropriate for breakfast is with vegetables or cut fruit cup yogurt.

Yes carbohydrate:
Wait a minute before the exclusion of carbohydrate intake from your diet, of course, not intended to pasta dishes and pasta and white bread usual, they are made from white flour, which contains little nutritional values and a lot of calories that you need superiority, and therefore totally unacceptable.

But that does not mean dispensing entirely carbohydrates from your diet, where no alternatives can you get them, you can eat or complex carbohydrates in brown rice or oats, and also eat pasta and crackers made from flour, full of love.

Learn about the pineapple diet for four days

Pineapple fruits rich in many nutrients and health benefits, and perhaps the most important of these benefits, they contain few calories, but a high percentage of water and therefore works as a diuretic, as well as containing a high proportion of fiber that facilitates the process of digestion, as well as that the pineapple fruit is rich in enzyme which digests all types of proteins as well as its ability to treat infections, as well as it helps to digest fatty foods and heavy thanks to the enzyme, eat pineapple in between meals core works to reduce appetite because it gives a feeling of satiety.
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The pineapple diet program:
For best results Use fresh pineapple
Breakfast: 2-3 slices of pineapple 1 cup low-fat yogurt, a piece of toast toaster
Snack: a cup of pineapple juice, a boiled egg
Lunch: vegetable soup, with a piece of fish or grilled chicken
Snack: a glass of pineapple juice
Dinner: chicken salad and pineapple

Sneaking boredom to all the ladies who pursue the program of diet given, and the reason is that it takes a long time to get the desired results, and in order to provide each new offer you diet quick to contribute to the process of slimming, a diet pineapple; where is the diet pineapple from diets mono plug, as it depends on eating pineapple as a major factor for weight loss.

Increase calories in the following ways

Eat some sweets at the end of each meal or replaced sandwich of cream and jam or honey.
Add the margarine when cooking foods in order to increase the calories in the food.
Add honey to milk and hot drinks.
John Barban
Eating nuts and dried fruits in small meals or added to salads and rice.
Drinking a glass of milk with lunch and dinner
Add grated cheese to rice, pasta and cheese cubes of white authority.

The use of butter or margarine on sandwiches when prepared before you put cheese or peanut butter and jam or honey added after that. Whole milk or multiplier and that brings added a third of a cup of skim milk powder to a cup of whole milk, which contains calories superiority of whole milk by 50% and the amount of protein weakness whole milk.

Avoid drinking water during meals because it weakens the digestive enzymes and hinders the process of digestion, as well as it fills the stomach and makes a slim feel full quickly. Finally, we must learn that exercise plays an important role in maintaining human health where strengthens muscles and makes weight gain concentrated instead of increasing fat as it opens the appetite and reduce the impact of psychological stress on public health.

It must follow a program of balanced diet with exercise weights assigned exercises to build muscle and reduce the intensity of aerobic exercise a little.

Slim - Causes and treatment-John Barban

Thinness is underweight than normal or a little too much. To find out if a person is thin base there are simple and easy is that by offering amounted to 100 cm length of the remaining amount is the correct weight for the right person and be measured in kilograms. For example, if someone length of 170 cm, the weight would be 170-100 = 70 kg, and the lack of it, for example, weight shall be thin. There are many factors that leads to a slimmer body are as follows:
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Genetic factor
Poor and undernourished lead to weight loss, which may expose human life at risk
Many seniors have difficulty in the preparation of food and thus become vulnerable to losing weight.
Wrong food habits acquired since childhood.

Follow special diets to lose weight and keep it to a certain extent access to the thinness and then the inability to recover normal weight.
Membership of certain diseases ... such as:

1 - An overactive thyroid gland.

2 - Severe anemia.

3 - Some digestive diseases that prevent the absorption of digested food.

4 - Incidence of certain tumors.
Some mental illness - such as:
Severe depression, which causes loss of appetite`
Obsession that makes a patient does not feel hungry.
Anorexia nervosa
Bulimia nervosa
If confirmed, the integrity of the person slim organic diseases and physical comes to therapeutic role of nutrition and regular exercise to reach a normal weight.

How mining meal?
Must have meals on a balanced diet of protein, carbohydrates and types of health of fat such as monounsaturated fats, olive oil and canola oils, pistachios, almonds and walnuts; Ratio of the following will help you achieve your goal: 60% -70% carbohydrate 0.10% -15% protein and a small amount of fat.

It must be at least three varieties are made from whole grains rich in fiber and nutrients. Must contain each class more nutritious calories; For example you could add hard-boiled eggs to mashed potatoes, chicken, chopped into different varieties of soup and with eggs and cheese and add powdered milk to the soup and add milk to the mashed potatoes.

Is a fruit rich in vitamins and phytochemicals that will enhance your health? For example, instead of drinking soft drinks, sugary soda, you can enjoy a rich orange juice instead or other fruit juices that will help you get the calories you need it, in addition to a lot of vitamins that are not available in the soda. You can increase your consumption of calories by eating different types of fruit during the day.

Record daily diet habits

Longer recording habits daily diet the best way to ensure you stay on the right track in terms will help you to solve the problems related to food. Write food and beverages covered by a three-day minimum and type as well as eating dates and any other matter related to food.
John Barban
Do you take liquids contain calories without knowing. Are you dealing with the leftovers? Do you go a long time without eating? Do you get the bulk of the calories late in the day? Do you get the necessary ratio of healthy fats and proteins?

March aerobics
If you want to lose weight you have to exercise most days of the week. Could be jogging, swimming, cycling and doing activities included moving the body for 30 to 60 minutes a day minimum.

You can also practice as well as sport carry light weights twice a week ensures that maintain muscle and bone strength. And you should consult your doctor before starting an increase in the level of activity.

Few strategies to get rid of excess weight permanently

Combine the different varieties of food to control blood sugar
Eat some protein with small amounts of fat as well as carbohydrates give you a feeling of satiety and not to search for cakes dish.

Examples include:
Egg or two eggs with wheat English muffin
Tuna salad with a little olive oil
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Bean soup light
Oatmeal with a handful of walnuts
Low-fat cheese with almonds and fruit slices
Eating foods filled with fiber
Fiber-filled foods give you a feeling of fullness and will not to skip the target of calories. Eat bean soup and large amounts of cooked vegetables and salads, brown rice and wheat bread can also add some healthy fats in your diet, such as fat found in avocados, nuts or olive oil.

Use the balance
The study showed that most people who follow the way of long-term weight loss, usually obsessed with the idea of measuring weight daily or weekly. The use of daily balance alerts you to the increase in the weight and then you can control it.

It should be noted that the balance of reading vary from day to day because of an increase or decrease fluid and hormones.

More-ways to lose five pounds in a week

11 - Go to the gymnasium: If you have the possibility to go to gyms do not hesitate to do so, and would prefer if persuaded one of your friends or a family member that the lounge for more encouraging attendance.

12 - Distribution of food on your plate: Follow the following method in a dining contains two thirds of the fresh vegetables and the last third of carbohydrates and protein.
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13 - Packed Peanuts: Studies have shown that people who rely on eating nuts, such as pistachios as a snack between meals, basic, they are more likely to lose weight than people who eat meals Snack other even though they contain the same calories approx.

14 - Grapefruit fruit group is: Did you know that eating fruit Group grapefruit daily help tongs 58% weight loss.

15 - Pay as you go: odd things discovered by scientific studies that people who pay for their purchases of food for cash, they are less weight than people who rely on payment by credit cards, because the idea of payment credit make food I do not need them.

16 - You say nutrition experts that walking for 30 minutes a day to ensure you burn 800 calories on the other hand, if you do not time to walk or appropriate place so no need for arguments anymore, Buy a electric that will ensure you achieve it.

17 - Seek the help of hot pepper in your meals to increase the rate of fat burning in the body.

18 - Breakfast: Beware of dispensing breakfast will ensure you are burning speed for the rest of the day.

19 - Skim milk: Make sure to drink cups fat-free milk on a daily basis, it helps to lose weight.

20 - The main reasons why French women with the strength of Agile : is it does not address additional meals between the main meals such as fried potato "chips" or sweets between meals.

Ten ways to lose five pounds in a week

If you would like to lose excess weight without Trace strict diet, nutrition experts offers you twenty magical way to help you lose five pounds in a week without further suffering or guilt after busting diet every practice.

1 - Water: proven many scientific studies that the lady who is keen to drinking water in quantities and abundant daily at a rate of at least eight large glasses, be more responsive to weight loss from those that do not deal with the same amount, and if the water was icy so as to increase the speed of burn rate.
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2 - Meal in two servings: tricks that will help you lose weight and at the same time make you feel satiety, is that the amount of your meal the usual two meals, it gives you a sense of satiety faster as it satisfies your needs from food because it suggests to you that you two servings, not one meal.

3 - Cut down on meat: usually not without any meal of our meals of meat, nutrition experts advise here of trying to reduce the quantity intake gradually, in contrast, the amount of vegetable intake.

4 - Stay away from canned food: Try as much as possible to your diet on fresh foods mined by yourself, and avoid canned foods coated because they contain preservatives in you indispensable.

5 - Diet for just two days: If you're finding it difficult to adhere to a diet for a long time, here's the perfect solution, which also studies say if you can diet for two days in a row so as not to increase the calories gained per day for 650 price, the guarantee to you rapid weight loss in addition to protect you from breast cancer.

6 - Do not Sugar: Choose alternatives to sugar pills in your drinks different, but in the foods you should read the ingredients written on the cover to make sure they are free of sugar, many foods contain a quantity of sugar to be reckoned with, such as tomato paste.

7 - Stay away from flour: not foods that are mainly dependent on the composition of flour, such as pasta and white bread and pasta, so try not frequently addressed to a strong start for weight loss.

8 - I walk for two minutes every half hour: Try to always break your session attendance module on a little walk for two minutes every half hour pass will notice the difference in the rate of burning calories.

9 - Sleep well: Scientific studies have shown that people who do not get a multitude of sleep a day, are more voracity of food from their peers.

10 - Your food from home: Experts say that eating different foods outside the home to earn the equivalent of 135 calories, so make sure to prepare healthy meals and if you do not have enough time for that, Seek the help of ready-made meals health quick setup.

what does not affect

Be selective for vegetables, so reduce as much as possible from the vegetables that grow underground potatoes, potatoes, taro, and abound of leafy vegetables and green and colorful, such as lettuce, peppers, zucchini,
tomatoes, spinach, and settled back in your intake of vegetables other, cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli.
Avoided or reduced to a minimum of intense fruit sweetness,
John Barban

plum and grape juices and sweetened, or sugar-rich juice, sugar cane, and settled back for the pear, apricot, peach, pineapple, orange, guava, cantaloupe, pomegranate and others, and you can drink a few calories, such as barley, carrots, soda, and other.

When it comes to materials protein and fatty acids, there is no reason, to exercise any kind of restrictions on what you eat them, they will contribute quickly in eliminating the sense of hunger, and make you feel fullness and satiety automatically when you start out. All that you need is to completely stop eating more food as soon as your sense of fullness.

Goodbye for obesity five ways to adjust the weight

After a 12-year study on the diets low content of carbohydrates and published in the Journal of the American Society for Nutrition, provides us with nutrition experts in the world the best ways to adjust the weight at the border safe.
Do not try to restrict the amounts of fat, helps your intake of foods high in fat content to make you immune to the sense of hunger.

Examples of these foods cream cheese and sour cream, butter, mayonnaise, oil, especially olive oil, sunflower oil, corn, and linseed oil, all of them from low-sanitary materials content of starchy carbohydrates.

Say goodbye to pasta, bread and rice: to lose some of your weight, you must not exceed the weight of starchy materials,

which covered about 20 grams only a day, a quarter of a loaf of my country is small, or half a cup of rice, or the likes of pasta, and when you can achieve your goal after a certain period , you can be slightly more than the quantity mentioned what does not affect the rate of blood sugar you have, according to the study reported.